Vasileios Kakoulidis

Career Profile

Electrical engineering background with a compulsion to UX/UI design. Aspiring to know more about frontend and even wet my feet with some backend.


Self driving mini car - During the first year of my studies, my lab team team undertook the design and build of a self-driving mini car able to recognize and avoid obstacles. The process included the design of a recognition system using light sensors and the programming of a driving system on an Arduino, that would interact with the received information from the sensors.
Lifeguard board - Design of a mechanism that would recognize any deviation on a lifeguard’s save-board when a person is placed upon it. The suggested solution was the implementation of water level sensors that indicate differences on the water level on each side. LEDs were used as indicators, whose frequency depended on the level of deviation. A heart and pressure sensor were also added on the board. The system was designed using Arduino.